Monday, February 15, 2016

Create 2.1.2 – Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Teacher Instruction Quest

Interaction with content and other learners are important to an online learner. In order to differentiate instruction for various learning levels and learning types, different tools should be used. I selected Powtoons for visual/auditory learners and for learners preferring to read. I like both tools for different reasons. Powtoons attracts attention with movement and sound while uses graphic design to attract attention. Powtoons is a video that can be paused or started over whenever the user needs to do so. I like Prezi but have a friend with MS who has difficulties watching because of the zooming. I'm not sure if this is specific to her, or could be an issue with other people as well. I still like Prezi, but like to prepare the material in an additional format to accommodate those who have difficulty with it.

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