Sunday, February 7, 2016

Communicate 4.1.1 – Evaluation Methods and Communication Practices Quest

  • How do communication practices in the online environment correlate to effective feedback?
When feedback is effective, it has been processed by the learner, not simply seen. In order for feedback to actually be effective, it must be communicated in a manner the learner is able to receive and then comprehend it. By using differentiated methods of presenting a communication, there are more chances the feedback will be effective.

  • Why is authentic feedback important for online learners?
Authentic feedback is important for all learners, not only online learners. However, online learners do not have the same feedback opportunities that face-to-face learners might have and could be left wondering "how in the world did I score that score?" When providing feedback on assignments, a facilitator should never use "you" so as not to offend the learner. It is far better to say "Far more details are needed in the first paragraph" rather than saying "You need more details." Feedback should also include what is good about a learner's work so they may continue to do the things that make their work so good. Learners can use constructive feedback to improve their knowledge and how they learn. Voice feedback seems to be particularly effective.  Debbie Morrison recommends Voice Record Pro for providing feedback using a smartphone.

  • In what ways might an instructor enrich a student’s online experience through feedback? 
Deeper learning can be achieved through effective feedback. Feedback can prompt reflection and self-assessment. Feedback can be used for learning. For the learner, effective feedback feels more personal and the learner feels more connected and they will pay more attention to it, and possibly will work even harder on assignments.

Linskens, Jenna. "Meaningful Feedback in the Online Learning Environment." Meaningful Feedback in the Online Learning Environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. <>.
Morrison, Debbie. "'Speaking to Students' with Audio Feedback in Online Courses." Online Learning Insights. N.p., 06 Apr. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. <>.
Watson, Gavin. "Characteristics of Good Student Feedback." YouTube. YouTube, 03 Aug. 2013. Web. 07 Feb. 2016. <>.

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