Sunday, February 7, 2016

Communicate 4.2.1 – Feedback Quest

Choose three standards for area of study, create an assignment, and method for assessing students work, utilizing one of the mediums discussed. Ensure the tool demonstrates an instructor’s employment of effective feedback.
Feedback of "I agree, well said," or "nice job" does not provide enough information for a student to improve or continue to do well. Feedback should address misconceptions, incorrect facts with links to helpful information, not I agree, or nice specific. Effort should be encouraged, making a connection between effort and success.
Standards-based feedback provides information on where points were lost so students are able to do better in the future. It points out where the student struggled and should then provide instructional information to improve learning. Feedback should be positive, focus on what the student is doing well with an offer for further assistance if needed and encourage more effort.
Timely feedback is the replacement for direct instruction and should be made within 48 hours on formative assessments and 7 days (sooner) on summative assessments. If the feedback is not close enough to the work completed, it will do no good. Feedback is a form of instruction when done well.

Rubric, Instructions and standards for animal project

I used Camtasia for my feedback.

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