Navigate Capstone

An online instructor should have the skills to easily navigate through various management systems. During the Navigate section of this course I feel I have learned a lot, yet have just scratched the surface. There are many options and features an LMS could have. These options are changing continuously. I like to keep up with new features and upgrades by subscribing to the product newsletter or blog. Just last month Schoology came out with a way to lock down the browser of students as they are taking an online test so the student is not looking up answers during the test. “The Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a custom browser that instructors can use to lock down their testing environment in Schoology.” Keeping up with changes and familiarity with an LMS is essential to using all the effective tools available within the system. Some tools might not be useful for some people, but it is always a good idea to be aware of what is available.


Rodgers, Dylan. "Secure Your Assessments with Our Respondus LockDown Browser App | Schoology." Web log post. Secure Your Assessments with Our Respondus LockDown Browser App | Schoology. Schoology, 2 Feb. 2016. Web. 20 Mar. 2016. <>.

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