Please identify ten instructional sites, and isolate five sites which exemplify sound design ideals and five that do not adhere to these standards and document in your blog.
The appearance of a website can repulse viewers, or attract viewers.
Sites following website design best practices:
- PBS Learning Media - text is primary, contrast good for colorblind, no "dancing bears," ample whitespace, text size differences adequate, sans-serif, adequate font size, uses CSS (as seen when viewing source) and has elastic-width
- Discovery Education - text is primary, contrast good for colorblind, ample whitespace, text size differences adequate, sans-serif, adequate font size, uses CSS (as seen when viewing source), but some pages are fixed-width, some are elastic, no "dancing bears"
- - good contrast, text is primary, "whitespace" is actually green but still contrasts nicely with text, sans-serif, adequate font size, uses CSS (as seen when viewing source), no "dancing bears," fixed-width so some devices would require a lot of scrolling
- eLearning for Kids - text is primary, contrast good for colorblind, ample whitespace, text size differences adequate, sans-serif, adequate font size, uses CSS (as seen when viewing source) and has elastic-width, nice, clean looking site
- - colorful, clean with white background, uses squares for links with images, text is included with image, sans-serif, CSS (as seen when viewing source), flexible width, amlple whitespace, good contrast, no "dancing bears"
Not so great:
- - serif, good factual information, "Pretty is not our aim, but we think there is a lot of useful information here," white background with blue underlined links, flexible width, no CSS or color
- - recently improved colored header with horizontal navigation, white background with blackline content area, many links, difficult to find needed material unless one knows where to look, difficult to use
- - good information, but some of the text sizes are too small, has a new look that is much cleaner and user-friendly
- - white background with blackline table, very busy, difficult to navigate, fixed-width, serif, homepage is very long with many links,
- - content area white background with blackline table, busy with lots of links, difficult to find needed information, long homepage, bright yellow navigation side-bar could be difficult to see for colorblind, fixed width, does not use CSS
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