Communicate Capstone

The Communicate quests offered many new tools. Many I had heard of and some I had used. A few of my new favorites are Imagechef, VoiceNote, Remind, and Smilebox. Each of which can be used to communicate various ideas in different ways. Communication regarding a student’s progress should be made on a weekly basis to all stakeholders. Of utmost importance is communication with the student. Students need to feel part of a community in order to maximize their learning. One method of enhancing community is communication. To begin a course an instructor should call the student and parent to introduce themselves and the course. Weekly or bi-weekly synchronous meetings should be held at scheduled times using the LMS meeting feature or a tool such as GoToMeeting or Zoom. Reminders and announcements need to be sent about deadlines or field trips. Feedback on assignments, discussions, and projects should be communicated to students in a timely manner. The bottom line is communication is the cornerstone of the online course.

I am not sure whether the email, pager and discussion board responses are required as I found this mentioned only on one page, but here is the sample:

Hi Jane,
You asked about finding resources for your assignment on invasive species in your local community. First, read about invasive species on this site: found on OER Commons at I would then do a search for your local county extension service. Once you find your county extension service, do a search on their website for invasive species. Go to this site: National Wildlife Federation and read their information. Remember to check the sources and resources at the bottom of the page. If you find you need further assistance, please let me know, it's what I'm here for.
Mrs. Thornton


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