Monday, January 18, 2016

Navigate 3.2.1 – Tools for Deciding on an LMS Quest

According to Talented Learning, Extended Enterprise News, Research & Consulting, LMS platforms are broadening and becoming more specific to user needs. There are now 4 areas of users, academic, continuing ed., corporate and association LMSs. "All four groups share some functionality but contain special functionality and experience not required in the other areas."
Talented Learning

Blackboard, Brightspace (formerly D2L), Canvas, and Moodle are still widely used in both higher education and K-12 organizations. For business,  eLogic Learning, Expertus, and Cornerstone are leading LMS platforms for 2015. For Associations, Blue Sky Broadcast, Classroom 24/7, and WebCourseworks are among the top platforms.

created by Charlotte Thornton  on

"2016 LMS Market Trends, Observations and Predictions - Talented Learning." Talented Learning. N.p., 12 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Jan. 2016.
"7 Steps in Selecting a Learning Management System (LMS) Infographic." Tagoras RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2016.

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