Monday, January 4, 2016

Navigate 3.1.2 – Creation and Investigation into Courses Quest

My first attempts to upload course content to Blackboard met with error messages stating 
"Fatal: A fatal error has occurred. The reason for the error is:
The provided file could not be identified as a supported package format and therefore can not be processed.
For more information, consult the detailed log.
Status: The operation import did not complete." In the detailed log it said: 

"Jan 2, 2016 3:46:11 PM - Debug The provided file could not be identified as a supported package format and therefore can not be processed.
at blackboard.platform.queue.QueuedTaskManager.processTask(
at blackboard.platform.queue.QueuedTaskManager.access$500(
at blackboard.platform.queue.QueuedTaskManager$"

After several attempts to use Blackboard, I decided to move on to Schoology, my second choice. I did return to Blackboard two days later and attempted to upload the package several more times with the same results as the prior attempts. Finally, after poking around in Blackboard, I figured out how to make the course run and will eventually figure out how to allow participants to view the course.

The creation of my test course in Schoology was very easy compared to Blackboard. I followed the steps listed below.
Steps to load course content in Schoology:
1. Open Schoology and sign in. 
2. Click on Courses, then 
3. Click Create in the popup window, bottom left. 

4. Fill in the form provided: 

5. Click Create.

6. Add Materials to the course by clicking the Add Materials drop-down menu and then choosing Add Package.

7. Browse for the zip file and Open. The file uploads and is available upon completion of the process.

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