Thursday, January 14, 2016

Navigate 2.1.4 – Lecture Capture Quest

Recorded lectures serve as an additional resource for students. There are times when seeing and hearing an explanation rather than simply reading about it is far better for the student. Like writing on a chalkboard, the computer screen can be annotated as needed. A small corner of the capture can be used to show the speaker talking, providing a more personal experience.

The e-learning unit at London's QMUL ran a survey of staff and students to find out their views on podcasting lectures. 
An award-winning poster showing the results.  Via Clive Young

Aside from using lecture capture for flipping a classroom, using capture in an online course has several advantages. Users are able to pause the recording to ensure understanding and to make sure nothing is missed. Students like having the lecture recorded so they can go back to review, or fill in their notes.

Below is an example of a short tutorial captured using Camtasia and then shared on YouTube.

created by Charlotte Thornton using Camtasia

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