Sunday, January 3, 2016

Navigate 2.1.2 – Recorded Session Quest

I chose to use Adobe Connect to record my synchronous session. I had used GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, AnyMeeting, Blackboard and WebEx previously and thought I would try something new. Adobe Connect is one of the most expensive options, but on the other hand, it has the most features. I would not recommend Adobe Connect for someone who is not familiar with various technology tools. The difference between working with Adobe Connect vs. Google Hangouts is similar to the differences between working with DreamWeaver vs. Google Sites. The task was not easy, nor difficult given the unfamiliarity of the software on my part. Whenever working with a new software, there is a time period when one is becoming familiar with the features. One feature I have yet to use, but have found, is annotation. I did not realize my pointer would not be recorded and would have liked to have this feature. When I usually create a video, I use Camtasia and am fairly familiar with its capabilities.

Synchronous learning? For most people synchronous meetings are a necessity. There are some people who are able to stick with a course until the end, but most find motivating themselves to complete the course difficult and tend to drop out. Regular synchronous sessions would absolutely help participants with course completion.

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