Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Participate 4.1.2 Digital Safety and Security Quest

    • What is the most important step we can take in terms of ensuring our digital safety?
    My first thought is education. Educate the public, educate our students and educate parents about digital dangers and safety. Perhaps our Tech Club will be able to create some Public Service Announcements to place on our school website.

    • What strategies can we take to help our students consistently keep digital safety in the forefront of their minds?

    Out of sight is out of mind so, we need to talk about digital safety on a regular basis, post reminders on our websites or LMS, and share news stories on digital safety. The information shared needs to be fresh, otherwise, students will not pay attention to it.
  • Identity theft, malware, scams, hacked email, cyberbullying are not things we dwell upon or even mention very often in the classroom. The school or district more than likely does use a filter system on the network. Even so, if students are not good digital citizens and follow certain rules, they might run into trouble on the internet. Students share so much and so often that they think nothing of giving an acquaintance their locker combination, or their password.


    created by Charlotte Thornton on Scratch

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